Friday, August 24, 2012

Greetings from Iowa City!

I’m writing this blog post from my fancy new office in my internship congregation in Iowa City, IA. The welcome we’ve received here has been tremendous. My heart is filled with joy when I think of all the wonderful people that my family and I been surrounded with and will get to share this experience with over the next 12 months. This town has farmers’ markets, a university community, public art and public gardens, volunteer opportunities, entertainment options, great food, and need I mention: college football. This is going to be sweet.

I’m feeling a change. This is a real period of transition for me, on my way to becoming a pastor. This is a time to seek out knowledge, to practice some of the things I’ve learned at seminary, to ask questions, and to make some mistakes. This is a chance to live into the role of pastor, and to walk with the people of this community of faith. The possibilities can be overwhelming, and I hope to narrow down some things that I will focus on this year, but I am optimistic that I will have a chance to see and feel and experience all that I need to enhance learning and become formed for leadership in the church. It’s pretty exciting.

I find myself aware of the changes during moments of peace. Waking up early. Waiting at the bus stop. Walking downtown. Rocking my children to sleep. It’s a growing awareness of the role I will play in people’s lives in the future. It’s a growing awareness of the depth of my call to ministry. It is scary at times, so I turn to prayer. I ask God to walk with me, to open me up to let the Spirit work in me. I look to the cross and to Jesus’ life and ministry to outsiders, the poor, and the marginalized.

Growing and changing. I pray that you are too.
Jer. 29.11


1 comment:

  1. Inspiring words Jason! So glad to hear you are off to a good start and filled with awe and awareness of all He has surrounded you with, and all he is preparing you for! Time goes SO FAST! This 'transition time' for me has been difficult and awesome at the same time! I know you can relate. In two short years I'll be experiencing your world! Hey, only two days of greek left! I'm going to make it!! Blessings on you and yours and your time @ Zion.
